Claquette 1.5.2

Released on April 21st 2021

  • Adds ability to configure a custom recording location
  • Improves behavior when encountering low disk space conditions
  • Fixes flickering playback for certain imported assets
  • Fixes new recordings not being displayed properly after prior cancelations
  • Fixes a playback crash for recordings containing invalid change rectangles

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Released on December 11th 2020

  • Improves capture performance
  • Adopts new Final Cut Pro project format
  • Adopts new Motion project format
  • Fixes a rare crash when canceling movie exports
  • Fixes track order when exporting to Motion
  • Fixes cursor click animations in cropped Final Cut Pro exports

Released on November 11th 2020

  • Adds support for Apple Silicon
  • Adds support for macOS Big Sur
  • Adopts macOS Big Sur UI design
  • Improves color management when importing animated GIFs or PNGs
  • Fixes a memory leak when exporting Final Cut projects with click effect

Released on September 10th 2020

  • Improves screen capture performance
  • Fixes premature recording stops on some hardware configurations
  • Fixes an animation glitch in the recording window
  • Fixes a memory leak when disconnecting audio recording devices

Released on August 7th 2020

  • Improves detection of foreground windows during crop
  • Improves video export performance
  • Fixes wrong display name in recording window
  • Fixes a crash when copying single frames from a recording

Released on July 2nd 2020

  • Adds ability to drop files onto the recording window
  • Adds a hotkey for the Save Current Frame action
  • Improves export performance for animated GIFs
  • Improves file size optimization for animated PNG exports
  • Fixes a crash when using fixed bitrates for HEVC exports on some hardware configurations

Released on June 2nd 2020

  • Adds support for importing and converting videos and GIFs
  • Adds support for iOS device recording
  • Adds Dark Mode support
  • Adds Touch Bar support
  • Adds cursor click and drag visualizations for screen recordings
  • Adds support for creating and managing export presets
  • Adds HEVC support
  • Adds localizations for Chinese, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish
  • Improves detection of the window frame of the frontmost window
  • Improves automatic recording device switching
  • Improves file size optimization for animated GIF and PNG exports
  • Improves integration with system wide sharing services
  • Fixes an application hang due to missing screen recording permissions
  • Fixes a crash during window restoration

Released on August 5th 2018

  • Improves export performance
  • Fixes disappearing mouse cursor during playback and export
  • Fixes a rare cursor capture crash
  • Fixes trim UI animations

Released on May 22nd 2018

  • Improves trim UI performance
  • Improves document opening performance
  • Improves cursor rendering in exports
  • Fixes video overlay shadow rendering in exports
  • Fixes a crash when copying single frames

Released on March 24th 2018

  • Adds aspect ratio presets to the crop UI
  • Improves Undo/Redo
  • Improves compatibility with new versions of Final Cut Pro X
  • Improves compatibility with new versions of Motion 5
  • Improves memory consumption and overall performance
  • Fixes capturing of iOS Simulator windows
  • Fixes drawing artifacts in the trim UI

Released on August 29th 2017

  • Improves video color management for all exporters
  • Improves storage efficiency
  • Improves loading and skimming performance
  • Fixes a hang during crop operations
  • Fixes a rare playback crash
  • Fixes window sizing

Released on May 10th 2017

  • Fixes an application hang during Final Cut Pro X exports
  • Fixes an application hang during Motion 5 exports
  • Fixes a bug where crop rectangles where applied with a wrong offset
  • Fixes wrong export duration display in the Animated GIF/PNG export sheets
  • Improves file size estimation in the Animated GIF/PNG export sheets

Released on April 25th 2017

  • Fixes a bug where only a subregion of the screen was recorded
  • Improves mouse cursor rendering

Released on April 12th 2017

  • Adds duration and file size information to export sheets
  • Adds German localization
  • Improves camera capture quality
  • Improves status icon
  • Improves synchronization of screen, audio and video in immediate mode
  • Fixes black video frames on certain MacBook models
  • Fixes a crash when exporting with color correction
  • Fixes a crash when opening recordings with very short durations
  • Fixes visual artifcats when exporting ProRes movies

Released on November 3rd 2016

  • Fixes an incompatibility with Final Cut Pro X 10.3
  • Improves keyboard input in the crop popover
  • Improves document opening performance

Released on October 25th 2016

  • Improves animated GIF/PNG preview section
  • Improves rounding when manually entering crop values
  • Improves memory consumption and overall performance
  • Adds support for system wide UI sound setting
  • Fixes a crash in the animated GIF/PNG export panel
  • Fixes wrong hotkey shown in status item
  • Fixes keyboard navigation in the animated GIF/PNG export panel
  • Fixes export to external volumes on macOS Sierra
  • Fixes a crash when opening documents on certain OS/hardware combinations

Released on September 8th 2016

  • Adds support for macOS Sierra
  • Adds support for right-to-left UI layout direction
  • Adds mirrored scaling to the crop UI (alt modifier)
  • Adds aspect ratio section to size inspector
  • Fixes a crash when using custom 'Quantization Quality' settings
  • Fixes a drawing glitch in the crop UI
  • Fixes a crash when reverting to older document versions
  • Fixes missing screen name in recording window after display reconfiguration
  • Fixes wrong track configuration in export sheets with preview image

Released on July 14th 2016

  • Adds ability to export animated GIFs
  • Adds ability to export animated PNGs
  • Makes Pro Exporters unlockable via In-App Purchase
  • Improves hotkey configuration
  • Fixes missing cursor when recording after display reconfigurations
  • Fixes crashes related to focus rectangles in the export sheets
  • Fixes validation for the hide/show track menu items

Released on May 14th 2016

  • Fixes a bug that made the Final Cut, Motion and ProRes exporters inaccessible for some users

Released on May 6th 2016

  • Fixes a regression that lead to invalid timestamps in new recordings

Released on May 5th 2016

  • Adds a redesigned inspector
  • Adds ability to show the recording window from the status menu
  • Adds Mail as sharing option
  • Adds a 75% scaling preset
  • Improves cursor rendering
  • Improves synchronous recording start
  • Improves the Motion export sheet
  • Fixes a layout problem in the playback controls
  • Fixes a crash in the Audio/Video preference pane
  • Fixes a rare crash when opening a newly recorded movie

Released on March 12th 2016

  • Adds haptic feedback and alignment support during crop
  • Adds ability to launch Claquette at login
  • Adds inspector to specify position and size for the crop rectangle
  • Adds Flickr as sharing option
  • Improves ColorSync performance during export
  • Improves window placement after recording
  • Fixes a crash in the Motion export panel
  • Fixes a rare crash during recording start

Released on January 21st 2016

  • Adds ability to crop recordings
  • Adds immediate recording start mode
  • Fixes wrong video layer positioning during image exports
  • Fixes a crash during trim sessions
  • Fixes a bug affecting restoration of autosaved documents

Released on September 25th 2015

  • Adds support for OS X El Capitan
  • Adds ability to reset trim ranges
  • Refines recording UI
  • Improves playback performance
  • Fixes stuttering playback during recording countdown
  • Fixes misplaced video layer after version restoration
  • Fixes misplaced video layer after entering fullscreen

Released on July 17th 2015

  • Adds ability to hide/show cursor and video tracks
  • Adds ability to disable/enable the audio track
  • Adds a preset for 2160p (UHD) exports
  • Fixes keyboard navigation during trimming
  • Fixes missing cursor assets when exporting trimmed Motion projects

Released on May 15th 2015

Claquette 1.5.2 Free

  • Adopts OS X Yosemite UI design
  • New application icon
  • Adds non-destructive trim feature
  • Adds ability to extract stills
  • Adds ability to set custom frame rate for Motion exports
  • Adds ability to set custom frame rate for Final Cut Pro exports
  • Fixes a lagging cursor and front window bug in Motion projects
  • Improves skim and playback performance
  • Improves export performance
  • Improves navigation in the help book
  • Fixes misaligned cursor and window geometry tracks in Motion exports
  • Fixes missing entries in the 'Recents” menu

Released on Sep 10th 2014

  • Adds automatic naming suggestions for save and export panels
  • Optimizes organization of the export menu
  • Fixes an application crash after canceling exports
  • Fixes a rare application hang after export and save
  • Fixes keyboard navigation in the export panels
  • Fixes a warning in Motion exports without audio tracks

Released on Jul 24th 2014

  • Adds ability to scale resolution during recording
  • Adds ability to visualize mouse clicks in Final Cut Pro X exports
  • Adds a customizable click effect for Final Cut Pro X
  • Adds support for Final Cut Pro X XML 1.4
  • Optimizes utilization of available CPU cores during recording
  • Optimizes performance when recording Retina resolution screens
  • Fixes ProRes 422 composited exports
  • Fixes a bug that prevented resizing of the FaceTime video layer
  • Fixes rare cursor-misplacement in composited exports
  • Fixes a crash when toggling recorder state too fast
  • Fixes a bug that prevented App Nap energy saving

Released on Feb 24th 2014

  • Adds resizing UI for the video layer
  • Adds a Dock menu to control recording
  • Fixes wrong aspect ratio of video layer after undo/redo
  • Fixes wrong key equivalent labels in the status item menu

Released on Jan 15th 2014

  • Adds support for Final Cut Pro X 10.1
  • Improves export performance
  • Separates audio and video clips in the exported Final Cut Pro XML
  • Aligns play length of all assets in Motion 5 exports
  • Fixes wrong aspect ratio after OS X window restoration

Released on Dec 14th 2013

  • Adds a preference to toggle version preservation
  • Fixes missing media links in the Motion/FCPX export
  • Fixes UI animations for Multidisplay setups
  • Improves recording performance

Released on Oct 22nd 2013

  • Adds support for Final Cut Pro X exports
  • Optimized for OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)
  • Reduces energy impact when idle
  • Improves recording performance
  • Fixes a crash in the audio device preferences
  • Fixes timebase rounding errors in Motion exports
  • Reduces mouse lag in Motion exports
  • Fixes playback keyboard shortcuts
  • Fixes recurring low disk space warnings

Released on Jul 25th 2013

  • Adds resizing functions to the view menu
  • Improves performance of initial saves
  • Adds a hotkey for the inspector popover
  • Fixes aspect ratio related rounding errors
  • Fixes a rare crash in the the Motion exporter
  • Fixes toggling elapsed/remaining playback time

Released on Jun 26th 2013

  • Adds new user preference for the screen capture rate
  • Improves recording performance
  • Fixes a crash during playback of multiple recordings
  • Fixes a crash in the recording device selection screen
  • Fixes a hang during export of multiple recordings
Claquette 1.5.2

Released on Jun 5th 2013

  • Adds full screen support for the video player
  • Adds AirDrop file sharing
  • Integrates with OS X's built-in Vimeo video sharing
  • Features redesigned playback bar
  • Added automatic anchoring for menu windows in the Motion 5 export

Released on Apr 15th 2013

  • Fixes a a crash during composited exports with very high resolutions (e.g. 2560x1440)

Released on Apr 12th 2013

Claquette 1.5.2 Mods

  • Adds Notification Center support
  • Features optimized temporary storage requirements for composited export
  • Motion exports now contain the 'Summary' text field in the project metadata
  • Running recordings are now stopped and saved before machine sleep or shutdown
  • State of the 'Open Motion after export' checkbox is now preserved as user default
  • Features improved accuracy of the progress indicator during composited export
  • Fixes a rare problem that could occur when overwriting existing exports
  • Fixed rare graphical errors in color managed exports on some GPUs
  • Fixed corruption of animated cursors (e.g. Spinning pinwheel) during recording
  • Features new version of the small variants of the app icon

Released on Mar 22nd 2013

  • Info popover now displays the recording length
  • Fixes a bug that could lead to omission of the last frame during export
  • Fixes a crash when switching video devices between recordings

Claquette 1.5.2 Con

Released on Feb 28th 2013

  • Initial Release