Tomb Of Annihilation

Tomb of Annihilation Board Game is a cooperative adventure design in the same series as Castle Ravenloft that's based on the 'Tomb of Annihilation' storyline for. Day 70 (91st Day of the Death Curse). Sheets of rain fell over the Forbidden City, causing the flooded river's banks to swell.While their Red Wizard 'allies' cast.

Tomb of Annihilation

Welcome to the Jungle!

Factions in Chult

Emerald Enclave
The Emerald Enclave is a widespread group of wilderness survivalists who preserve the natural order by rooting out unnatural threats. They struggle to keep civilization and the wilderness from destroying one another.

Flaming Fist
The Flaming Fist is a mercenary company headquartered in (and fiercely loyal to) Baldur’s Gate. The Fist maintains a permanent stronghold in Chult at Fort Beluarian. From there, Flaming Fist patrols strike out into the jungle to “pacify” territory and claim lost treasures.

The Harpers are spellcasters and spies who covertly oppose any abuse of power, magical or otherwise. Working alone or in small cells, they gather information throughout Faerûn, analyze the political dynamics in each region or realm, and use what they uncover to help the weak, the poor, and the oppressed from behind the scenes. Harpers act openly only as a last resort.

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Lords’ Alliance
A number of cities and settlements banded together to form the Lords’ Alliance, a coalition that works actively to eliminate threats to their mutual safety and prosperity. The coalition is loose — some might even call it shaky. Alliance leaders push their own interests above counterparts from other cities, and operatives seek honor and glory for themselves and their own lords at the expense of less powerful members.

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Order of the Gauntlet
Members of the Order of the Gauntlet vow to protect others from the depredations of evildoers. Placing their faith in good-aligned deities such as Torm, Helm, and Tyr, they bring the strength of their faith, their hearts, and their weapons to bear against villainy.

The order has committed considerable resources toward quelling the undead menace in Chult.

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Tomb Of Annihilation

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The Zhentarim is an unscrupulous shadow network that seeks to expand its influence and power base throughout Faerûn. Its members pursue wealth and power through any means, though the public face of the organization appears much more benign — the Zhentarim provides the best mercenaries money can buy.

Ytepka Society
The Ytepka Society, also known as the Triceratops Society, is based in Port Nyanzaru and dedicated to preventing any individual or group from abusing power and upsetting the natural social order. Its members are primarily neutral good Chultans. In many respects, the society’s goals are similar to those of the Harpers.