This is almost always caused by the information being incorrect. Either the Server IP address, the Server Port # or the password is wrong.
SAM Broadcaster is one of the most popular radio automation programmes for webcasters in the world. The software includes many functions that enable the automated broadcasting and professional operation of your web radio station. SAM Broadcaster supports Shoutcast, Shoutcast2, Icecast and Windows Media Server. Jika anda merupakan salah satu calon Pendaftar Anggota TNI maupun POLRI maka buku satu ini wajib anda miliki. Semua hal yang perlu anda pelajari untuk menghadapi proses seleksi tes masuk TNI & Polri lengkap dibahas di buku ini. Great, we are pleased that you managed to resolve the issue. Download SAM Broadcaster: SpacialAudio Solutions, LLC - Downloads Choose the SAM Broadcaster (FireBird. June 01, 2007 10:28AM. ANOTHER SOLUTION (10061 Error) Ricardo Umana. January 10, 2010 02:39PM SIMPLE AND EASY SOLUTION. March 16, 2010 11:16PM. 本文「10061」を検索 - はてなブックマーク 無料でPing送信。100以上の検索サイトに一括配信代行。ブログの宣伝やアフィリエイトサイトの集客に便利です。.
If you are connection with Spacial Audio SAM 2/3/4 and are entering for the IP address,
instead try entering numerical IP for your server instead.
Make sure when entering the password that the caps lock is in the correct position.

This error can also be caused by the server malfunctioning and you should immediatly open a support ticket.
Hi Eric,
I'm using Session('X-OverrideGateway') in theBeforeRequestHandler to connect to a proxy server which is working 90% of thetime. However, sometimes when i use some proxies i get the followingmessage'[Fiddler] The socket connection to the upstream proxy/gatewayfailed. Closing Fiddler, changing your system proxy settings, and restartingFiddler may help. ErrorCode: 10061.Noconnection could be made because the target machine actively refused it'

In the majority of the cases when i get this message theproxy is dead. However, i decided to test the same proxy and entered itmanually to the internet explorer and it worked fine!
Do you have any idea why when i try to connect to theproxy server with fiddlercore it doesn’t work and while using it with IE it worksfine?
Sam Broadcaster Not Opening
Here is what I’m doing
Private Sub FiddlerBeforeRequestHandler(ByValtSession As Session)
Dim sVal As String
SyncLock o_ObjectForLocking
sVal = m_OverrideHost
End SyncLock
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(sVal)Then
tSession('X-OverrideGateway')= sVal
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub enableOverride(ByValsNewHostPort As String)
SyncLock (o_ObjectForLocking)
m_OverrideHost = sNewHostPort

End SyncLock
Catch ex As Exception
Error 10061 Mysql
End Try

End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender AsSystem.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
webbrowser.navigate ('')
End Sub